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Member in Focus

Tom Violleau
Job Title:

Founder Members

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Community FAQs

When you say I can invest, how does that work?

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Users of sites are sometimes frustrated that they love the business but only the ‘money people’ get a chance to invest. FreelanceHUB is built by and for the Freelancer so uniquely we want to give you an opportunity to invest alongside the professionals in much smaller amounts.

As a Founder, can I input any ideas I have for FreelanceHUB?

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Yes...and with City Founder status you will have direct access to the FreelanceHUB Management team and founders of the business.

Can I place this on my LinkedIn profile?

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Of course...please do!...and we will place you on our site as a City Founder with your details.

Will I get eventually get paid for being a City Founder?

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We hope so. As your City Hub and FreelanceHUB builds, then there will be revenues to pay on a part-time basis, creating online and offline events as well as new and engaging content etc.

How long does my City Founder status last?

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Forever. All the time that you are engaged then we want you. Don’t worry, it’s not a full-time job or take up a large amount of time but we want to create this global movement and want you part of that City strategy. There will be in excess of 100 City Hubs.

Why have you selected me?

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Because you have the influence, following and knowledge that will help build a vibrant City FreelanceHUB and be able to help businesses and interact with Freelancers in your area.

Why are Cities important if FreelanceHUB is a global business?

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Freelancers can get work from anywhere in the world but there will still be projects and businesses that require some on-site work or meetings. From a freelancer perspective, it is also a lonely business so a local community with similar culture and work experiences creates a good support network and a vibrant HUB that will build to be a catalyst of work and sharing of opportunities.

What does the City FreelanceHUB actually look like?

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Basically it’s a page that has the core content and messages with great content (shared with the people that are also in that City) as well as message boards where people share questions and advice etc